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Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a form of healing that uses ‘channelled’ forces and energies from the Spirit World. The healing process is made possible, by the healing medium relaying these energies from the Spirit World to the client. Once the healing medium is deeply attuned to the spirit realms, the healing energies can be channelled from Spirit, through Spirit, to Spirit. Most people, including many healing mediums, believe the sole purpose of spiritual healing is to make someone well again, however, one of the most famous spirit guides of the modern era offers a completely different perspective......


Guidance from Silver Birch - Healing and the Life Force


"I would like you to know of this great power which is in our midst, power which enables you not only to heal the sick, but to touch the souls of those who are ready to be awakened to an understanding of the great eternal truth. This is the whole reason for healing, if you put right what is wrong with the physical body and you do not touch the Spirit, then the healing has failed, but if you touch the Spirit, then the healing has succeeded.

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